Effective August 1, 2014 the amount of money that can be recovered in Minnesota Conciliation Court (sometimes called Small Claims Court) actions that do not involve consumer credit transactions will increase from $10,000.00 to $15,000.00. The limit for consumer credit transactions (that is, certain personal property transactions where credit is granted by a seller or a lender who regularly engages as a seller or lender in credit transactions) will remain at $4,000.00. Conciliation Court is sometimes an excellent alternative to suing someone in District Court because no lawyer is needed, the rules are relaxed, and the filing fees are less. Parties in a Conciliation Court case may obtain the necessary forms from the local court administrator, and the administrator is required to assist the parties in completing the forms. Plus, after the judge makes a decision in a Conciliation Court case, the unsuccessful party has a short period of time to start over in District Court if they choose to do so. There are, however, certain types of cases that cannot be heard in Conciliation Court. For example, Conciliation Courts do not have jurisdiction to decide real estate title disputes, boundary line disputes, libel and slander cases, class actions, and medical malpractice cases. For more information about this Conciliation Court, please contact me at [email protected], review Minnesota Statutes Chapter 491A, or visit the Minnesota Judicial Branch’s Conciliation Court Self Help Center.
The comments posted in this blog are for general informational purposes only. They are not to be considered as legal advice, and they do not establish an attorney-client relationship. For legal advice regarding your specific situation, please consult your attorney. Copyright 2014 Swenson Lervick Syverson Trosvig Jacobson Schultz, PA