If someone is harassing you, it is possible to get a “no contact order” that prohibits that person from contacting you or being near you. There are a number of different types of “no contact orders” that a Court can issue. One type is called a Harassment Restra
Harassment under Minnesota law could be a single incident of physical or sexual assault. It could also be repeated incidents of intrusive or unwanted acts, such as stalking, making unwanted visits or phone calls, engaging in threatening behavior, damaging your property, etc. If any of these situations exist, and there is a likelihood that the harassment will continue, you may ask the Court to issue a Harassment Restraining Order.ining Order.
A Court may issue a Harassment Restraining Order with or without a hearing, depending on the circumstances. Harassment Restraining Orders are generally granted for a period of time up to 2 years, though a Court may extend that time to 50 years for repeat offenders. The purpose of a Harassment Restraining Order is to protect a person from future harassment. If the subject of the Harassment Restraining Order violates the provisions of the Order, that person could be charged with a crime and may even face sanctions such as a fine or jail time.
Another protective order is called an Order for Protection.
If you are the victim of domestic abuse and are in a situation where you believe the abuse will continue, it is possible to get a Court Order that prohibits the offender from contacting you or your children. The Order may also prohibit the offender from being at your residence or place of employment. This type of protective order is called an Order for Protection.
A Court may issue an Order for Protection if domestic abuse has occurred and the parties are family or household members. Domestic abuse may include such things as hitting, kicking, stabbing, slapping or pushing. Domestic abuse may also include verbal threats or threatening gestures even if no physical touching occurred.
Family or household members are people who are married or were once married, parents and children, persons related by blood or adoption, people who have children (or are expecting children) together, people who have lived together now or in the past, or people who were involved in a significant romantic or intimate relationship.
At Swenson Lervick, we are dedicated to protecting victims of abuse. If you have questions about protecting yourself or your family members, we can help. Please contact Derek Trosvig or Greg Donahue at [nap_phone id=”LOCAL-REGULAR-NUMBER-2″]. Additional help can be found at Someplace Safe.